My Reading List
被讨厌的勇气 Courage to be Disliked
I read this book when I feel down. This book introduce the Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology theory, which is “humans are primarily motivated by social connectedness and a striving for superiority or success and feelings of inferiority drive individual to achieve personal goals.” In other words, when I feel discouraged, I would tell myself that I feel this way because I want to give myself a rest and justify my failure and I would drive myself keep working. Usually, this works out for me and I will find what I am working on quite interesting.
The Phoenix Project
A book that delievers DevOps principle with a story. It helps explain why making small incremental update is much better than large release. Would recommend to anyone who is working in the tech industry.
傅真和铭基工作中决定gap year去拉美旅行,这本书是傅真在这次旅行中写的博客的集合。我希望我也能写一本这样的书来inspire在struggle工作的人。
Counselling For Toads: A Psychological Adventure
A story of psychological counseling for Toad. Toad in the story is having trouble achieving things so his friends recommend him to try counseling, and eventually helped get him out of his struggles. I found the book to be inspiring and helpful when I read it in Seattle summer 23.
Don’t have anything Technical I want to put here right now.
I want to read!
Not sure if it is a good thing to put the books I want read here. Because it may give me stress if I don’t read them.